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Fashion industry in Portugal

Find your new clothing manufacturer in Portugal.

Pomen oblačilnega sektorja

Izdelava na Portugalskem ima jasne prednosti pred Turčijo in Azijo. Na Portugalskem lahko stranke poleg samo visokokakovostnega izdelka pričakujejo visoko raven storitev in zaupanja. Če stranka igra po pravih pravilih, je mogoče uspešno zgraditi neverjetno partnerstvo z visoko proizvodno učinkovitostjo s portugalskim proizvajalcem, tudi z blagovno znamko, ki začenja z nizkimi količinami v prvih sezonah.

Priljubljeni izdelki oblačil

V Lizboni je veliko priznanih proizvajalcev oblačil, ki so specializirani za proizvodnjo široke palete oblačil, vključno z dizajnerskimi oblačili, moškimi oblačili, ženskimi oblačili, uradnimi oblačili, spalnimi oblačili, športnimi oblačili, oblačili za prosti čas, otroškimi oblačili, oblačili za dojenčke in številnimi drugimi. V Lizboni lahko najdete skoraj vse vrste oblačil in zato mesto velja za "naslednjo portugalsko modno prestolnico sveta".

Proizvodna mesta

Mesta Porto, Braga in Guimaraes so proizvodna središča za oblačila na Portugalskem. Porto ima približno 40 proizvajalcev oblačil, Braga jih ima približno 15, Guimaraes pa približno 10 proizvajalcev oblačil.

Naš vrhunski partner ASBX fashion

At ASBX, if a project proves interesting, we go all in with the client and really invest our time and knowledge to help them build a next generation supply chain. The textile & garment industry, at least in Portugal, is suffering a substantial change in the last few years. We are seeing lots of new and emerging startups reaching out every day and the old high volume clients fading more and more often. So we believe that the following years will be crucial for the industry in general to focus more than ever on quality of service and medium to high price point garment solutions for new brands, as these customers will define the industry of the next decade.

Zakaj izbrati Portugalsko za proizvodnjo oblačil?

Portugal is a perfect destination for apparel manufacturing especially for companies committed to sustainable clothing production. Besides, Portugal has skilled workers working with modern sewing technologies for medium-level salaries compared to other European countries. The Portuguese government has launched many programs intended to support the apparel manufacturing industry and encourage foreign fashion brands to invest in Portugal. Renowned brands such as H&M, Zara, and GAP manufacture their clothes in Portugal because of the many government incentives.

The finest manufacturers in the EU

Find the best European manufacturers to get your job done. Harness their power by requesting a quotation and receiving their offers. Your sustainable clothing production starts now!