Manufacturing clothes can have severe consequences on the environment. As most textile supply chains are spread across continents and fragmented it is difficult to identify where the damage is being done. One of the easiest and most effective solutions to shorten these supply chains and reduce the environmental footprint of textiles is producing closer to home, also known as nearshoring.
„Manufy“ yra platforma, palengvinanti „nearshoring“ Europoje, o tai reiškia, kad kaip prekės ženklas prisijungsite prie gamintojo Europoje, o ne, pavyzdžiui, Azijoje. Mažesnis atstumas, kurį gaminiai turi nuvažiuoti, akivaizdžiai geriau sumažina išmetamųjų teršalų kiekį, tačiau yra keletas ne tokių akivaizdžių pasekmių, dėl kurių gaminti arti namų yra naudingiau.
It does not stop there. Once you have established the terms of your textile production, some emissions will be inevitable to prevent for the time being. As a platform we want also take responsibility for our part in the value chain.