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5 goals for the Fashion Industry

Melisa Monti
January 7, 2022

New year, new energy, new projects and new goals. We know that when the clock hits 12 o’clock we aim to be a better version of ourselves as we were the year before. Here at Manufy we feel there is always room for improvement, and last year has taught us a lot about tackling new challenges. We want to be a stream of fresh air to breathe within the fashion industry and for that there are some things that in our perspective need to evolve to a more wholesome, conscious and fair approach. These are our resolutions and wishes for a brighter industry.

Quit overproduction

The number of garments that end up in landfills keeps on growing each year. This waste is not only damaging the environment, but it’s also counterproductive, inefficient and is costing money. On demand systems like Alohas shoes are exactly what we need more of. They encourage customers to buy on demand with amazing discounts and allow brands to produce just what they need.

Go circular

We’ve discussed it many times, circular production is the future of not only the fashion industry, but all industries. Each day new initiatives are launched that tackle one or all steps within the circular chain, showing that circularity is not a theory anymore, it is real and possible. You don’t know how to incorporate it into your business? The options are endless!

Take a look at Been London for example, who are in the process of developing a completely compostable bag.

Pay living wages

What shouldn’t be a topic in 2022 unfortunately still is. Taking steps towards a sustainable production is not enough if it’s not accompanied by ethics and values. Reflect those values from the inside out and prioritise quality and humanity.

More action, less greenwashing

Consumers are getting more and more educated about what is going on behind the scenes and this means that brands need to put their promises into action. Tell the real story of the garments, show the data that reflects the improvement, be transparent about where you source, get proper assessment and if you are still putting the first steps towards sustainability be honest with your customer, because one step is better than none.

Taking responsibility

We made the mess, now it’s time to clean it up. This means that it’s not only up to brands to take responsibility for a more sustainable production, but also manufacturers, packaging businesses, transportation, farmers, spinners, dyers we are all in this together, so collaboration is the key for change. Collaboration not only makes changes more impactful and effective, doing it together shows us that we are not alone in this and makes those steps that look enormous a lot easier.

There are already amazing things happening and we are here to give those brands, manufacturers and initiatives a platform. Do you have a fashion initiative that is changing the industry? Contact us at and let us know what you are doing. We would love to have you in one of our talks or articles in our blog.

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