Billed annually
Billed annually
Billed annually
Are you curious about how Manufy is reshaping the industry landscape? It's not just about clothing – it's a movement towards a more responsible future.
When you start your first subscription with us, you will get a free trial of 7 days. You will not be charged until this free trial is over. During the trial you can try out all the functionality within the plan's limits to see if it fits your needs.
Yes, you can cancel the free trial any time within the free trial period. If you cancel the free trial, you will still have access to the platform for as long as the free trial is active and will not be charged if you cancel within this period.
Yes, you can pause your subscription at any time. You will still have access to the platform for as long as your subscription is active. When you pause your subscription, you will not be charged again after the current running period is over.