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Create sustainably conscious collections

Source effectively and produce more sustainably - a deep dive into sustainable product creation.
Circular design and development
Material and fabric sourcing
Responsible manufacturing
Packaging and labeling

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Simple and efficient fashion sustainability management

Navigating the complexities of production, from sourcing to shipping, is time-consuming and costly. This can hinder your ability to create sustainably conscious collections and uphold ethical practices.

Manufy platform and its dedicated consultancy team simplify this process for you. Get personalized guidance through setup and implementation of every step towards becoming a sustainable fashion brand.

Seamless transition aligned with your needs

Discover simplicity in our customized solutions for your journey.
Personalized consultancy
Get matched with the most appropriate solution providers for your business case in line with upcoming regulations.
Implementation Assistance
Receive implementation and optimization support for your new circularity partners in every stage of the process.
Simple production management
Access everything you need from a single platform, post projects, negotiate, and manage orders in real-time.
Improved time and cost efficiency
Reduce costs and implementation time for circular practices by demonstrating methods to make sustainable solutions profitable.

Interested in learning more about what you can achieve with Manufy solutions?

Expert assistance and matchmaking

Our expert team provides ongoing knowledge and experience, ensuring you feel supported every step of the way.

Receive assistance in:

Optimizing your project on the platform
Selecting the right partners
Setting up page
Ensuring you stay up to date to the latest and upcoming regulations
Showing you the next steps towards sustainability and circularity

Paving the way to circularity

Embark on a journey towards fashion sustainability and circularity with the help of our team of experts.

Kick-off workshop

Receive assistance in analyzing your current business situation, challenges, and future goals to identify areas for improvements.


Creating road to circularity

With the support of our team of experts, create a roadmap for your new sustainable business model, outlining short-term actions, long-term goals, and expected costs.


Identifying solution partners

Identify all potential partners and find the best manufacturers, fabrics, products and other sustainable services.

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Place your orders and receive your new sustainable and circular collections!

Begin an effortless journey towards a more conscious fashion world


Through Manufy, we are able to connect to different high quality sustainable manufacturers throughout Europe. The marketplace is helping us save time and allows clear communication with partners. Moreover, transactions with these manufacturers are protected with a guarantee, which makes it much safer to sample with new partners.

Eugenié Haitsma Muiler
Co-Owner of MARTAN

The feeling of never being alone while navigating the complexities of production is something we particularly cherish about Manufy. Their professional and specific assistance ensures that there is always a solution at hand, no matter the challenge.

Ludwig and Leander

Manufy helped me find new manufacturing partners for all kinds of categories for our loungewear brand. The communications system made it easy to browse through agreements with different manufacturers streamlining my production planning.

Karel Bosman
Co-Founder of Pockies

Finding and selecting your partners


Learn about the manufacturers, their stories, and their values, and easily compare them on price and quality. Use Manufy to start creating samples and kickstart your journey toward sustainability.


Explore over 1,300 deadstock fabrics by browsing different fabric types.


Explore our product catalog to browse for specific products and find inspiration for your new collection. Additionally, review the previous work of our manufacturers to ensure the quality and craftsmanship you desire.

Other services

Our comprehensive services include design and techpack creation, digital product passports, and end-of-life solutions. Explore resell platforms, repair centers, and recycling partners to ensure a sustainable lifecycle for your products.

Reassured quality solution providers

Manufy Values are made for brands and solution providers to ensure full transparency showcasing their priorities regarding sustainable and circular practices. Learn how Manufy Values can contribute to your success.

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We offer packages for every brand, whatever stage you're in.
NOW 28% OFF!
€ 79/month

€ 109/month

Ideal for starting brands with no collection yet.
Best if you would like to grow your business.
NOW 38% OFF!
€ 249/month

€ 399/month

The go-to choice for established fashion brands.
Best if you would like to grow your business.
NOW 33% OFF!
€ 999/month

€ 1499/month

Unique experience designed for bigger companies.
Best if you would like to grow your business.

Ready to start your sustainable fashion project?

Create an account and dive into your next sustainable fashion venture!