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Animal welfare

Despite representing just 0.01% of all life, humans use around five billion animals for fashion products each year, often with minimal oversight of their treatment and conditions. Harmful practices such as mulesing—painful skin removal without anesthesia—intensive confinement in cramped spaces, and the cruel plucking of down feathers highlight significant welfare issues within the industry. These issues are not inherent to animal-derived materials but result from poor oversight in intensive farming systems.

In response to increasing consumer awareness of welfare issues and environmental impact, brands are implementing several strategies to improve animal welfare. Establishing an animal welfare policy that outlines clear expectations for animal treatment within the supply chain is crucial. Setting stringent requirements for sourcing animal-derived materials and ensuring transparency about their use are also important steps. Certifications like LIA’s Animal Welfare Standards Benchmark can help uphold higher standards of animal treatment.


Implementing robust animal welfare practices enhances brand reputation and aligns with growing consumer demand for animal-friendly products. Educating customers on animal welfare considerations and environmental impacts helps build trust and informs purchasing decisions. Limiting the use of animal-derived materials or opting for recycled fibers can also reduce the carbon footprint associated with these materials, contributing to a more sustainable fashion industry.


Animal Welfare Policy: Outlines expectations for ethical treatment and transparency.

Certifications: certifications like LIA’s Animal Welfare Standards Benchmark ensure higher standards of animal treatment.

Recycled Fibers: Reduces reliance on animal-derived materials and lowers carbon footprint.

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