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Ethical labor

In the pursuit of a sustainable fashion business, ensuring ethical labor practices is essential. While the minimal regulatory framework in Europe sets a baseline, true sustainability requires brands to go further by fostering humane and equitable working conditions throughout their supply chains. Unfortunately, union rights for workers in the fashion industry continue to face significant challenges, with resistance often encountered when workers attempt to organize or join unions. Managing ethical practices across the entire supply chain is complex, demanding vigilant monitoring, audits, multi-stakeholder dialogue, and dedicated resources.

Ethical labor encompasses a broader spectrum of practices that protect workers' rights, enhance their safety and well-being, empower them, and provide opportunities for growth. Brands and manufacturers can engage in ethical labor by promoting an inclusive and diverse workforce, implementing fair living wage policies, and offering career development opportunities. Transparency in supply chains, adherence to certifications like Fairtrade or GOTS, and support for local production further strengthen a commitment to ethical labor practices.


The benefits of prioritizing ethical labor practices extend far beyond the basic responsibility of respecting all stakeholders involved in the supply chain. Aligning your actions with your sustainable business values not only appeals to conscientious consumers but also has a positive impact on the lives of the people who create your next collection. Nearshoring and improved labor practices go hand in hand, as supply chains centered in Europe are easier to monitor and manage.


Living Wage Policies: Ensure that workers are compensated fairly, contributing to their overall well-being and stability.

Certifications like Fairtrade and GOTS: Provide transparency and assurance that labor practices meet high ethical standards.

Inclusive Workforce Initiatives: Promote diversity and equality within the workplace, empowering workers and fostering a positive work environment.

Monitoring and Auditing Tools: Support vigilant oversight of labor practices across the supply chain, helping to identify and rectify issues promptly.

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