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Made in Europe

As a fashion business owner, you are most likely familiar with the complex process of sourcing clothing for manufacturing. Finding a supplier who can provide high-quality products while also meeting your specific needs is essential. Until recently, offshoring was popular among European fashion brands that struggled to manufacture products locally in large quantities at competitive costs per unit. However, times have changed, and vulnerable supply chains now demand a different approach.

Nearshoring allows you to outsource specific processes, such as textile manufacturing, to companies in nearby countries within the European continent, closer to home. This sustainable mindset is re-emerging as a powerful alternative to offshore manufacturing, where operations are outsourced to overseas territories in distant corners of the globe. Producing your next fashion collection in European ateliers and manufacturing facilities offers numerous advantages over offshoring.


Having your producer and end consumer close to home and to each other comes with a myriad of benefits. Proximity makes it easier for you to monitor manufacturing facilities, observe production processes firsthand, and establish a direct relationship with your suppliers. Physical closeness fosters a more collaborative partnership, enabling you to align ethical values with your manufacturer, test new concepts, and experiment to solve problems. Transportation costs and emissions are relatively low, and delivery times are faster and more reliable. Flexibility, lower costs, stronger connections, and a reduced environmental footprint—nearshoring is a strategic choice that steers entire supply chains in the right direction. For a complete overview of the benefits, read our blog


Localized Manufacturing Facilities: Allow closer monitoring and more direct collaboration between brands and suppliers.

Efficient Transportation Networks: Reduce costs and emissions, ensuring faster and more reliable delivery times.

Collaborative Partnership Models: Facilitate innovation and problem-solving through direct interaction with manufacturers.

Sustainable Sourcing Practices: Support ethical labor and lower environmental impact by keeping production close to home.

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