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No toxic chemicals

Chemicals are a bare necessity if you’re looking to produce high-quality garments that last, and they’re not inherently harmful. Nevertheless, synthetic chemical use in fashion poses severe environmental problems, particularly in water-intensive processes like dyeing and finishing. Wastewater from textile production contains toxic substances like lead, mercury, and arsenic, as well as chemical additives like formaldehyde, phthalates, and azo dyes. These harmful chemicals are discharged into water bodies, posing a threat to aquatic ecosystems and biodiversity. This contamination also infiltrates water supplies, which affects local communities that live near production sites. Toxic chemicals endanger the working environment for textile workers, with toxic exposure in dyeing, printing, and finishing processes. To top it off, studies indicate that there are health risks for your customers, the people that wear clothes containing these (remains of) hazardous chemicals, ranging from skin irritations to the development of terminal diseases. We don’t want any of it.

Luckily, plenty of solutions are available to lower the negative impact of chemical use in fashion, especially within non-toxic dyeing and printing methods. Closed-loop systems for water reuse and adopting enzymatic treatments instead of chemical bleaches can also reduce your environmental impact.


Rethinking chemicals is a holistic approach that changes the entire supply chain, and without it, we won’t see any circular business models any time soon. By choosing bio-based dyes from algae and bacteria, or renewable resins like PLA or corn-based resins, garments can be more easily reused, recycled, or broken down naturally. By curbing the release of harmful substances into water bodies, soil, and the atmosphere, we can safeguard the planet’s most delicate ecosystems.


Non-toxic Dyeing and Printing Methods: Reduces the environmental impact associated with chemical use.

Closed-loop Systems for Water Reuse: Minimizes the discharge of toxic substances into water bodies.

Enzymatic Treatments: Provides an alternative to chemical bleaches, reducing harmful chemical use.

Bio-based Dyes (e.g. from algae) and Renewable Resins (e.g. PLA): Enhance the recyclability and biodegradability of garments, contributing to circular business models.

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