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Women-owned business

The fashion industry heavily relies on female labor, yet women are significantly underrepresented in leadership roles. Despite 80% of garment workers worldwide being women, very few attain management positions. Similarly, while a majority of fashion students are female, only a small fraction of top fashion brands are run by women. The industry has historically been male-dominated, making it necessary to acknowledge the achievements of women and promote equitable decision-making and distribution of proceeds.

As a brand owner, you have the opportunity to address this disparity by actively promoting and supporting women in the fashion industry. Bringing more women into decision-making roles introduces diverse perspectives and helps reshape the industry towards the ambitious Paris goals for 2030 and 2050. Women bring unique insights, creativity, and problem-solving skills to the fashion business, fostering an environment where a variety of ideas and approaches can thrive.


Supporting and acknowledging women in fashion entrepreneurship contributes to economic empowerment, helps close gender-based economic gaps, and fosters growth and sustainability in communities. Visible female leaders also serve as role models, providing guidance, encouragement, and a roadmap for navigating challenges. This fosters a sense of community and solidarity among women in fashion, ultimately benefiting the industry as a whole.


Women-led Decision-Making Models: Encourage diverse perspectives and foster innovation within the fashion industry.

Gender Equity Initiatives: Promote fair representation of women in leadership roles, contributing to more balanced and equitable workplaces.

Support Networks and Mentorship Programs: Provide guidance and resources to women in the fashion industry, helping them navigate challenges and advance their careers.

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