Manufy Values

Stand out by highlighting your strengths regarding sustainable production practices.

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Start with transparency

The demand for sustainable and ethical fashion is on the rise. A growing number of consumers are increasingly mindful of the environmental and social implications of their purchases. Fashion brands know of this change in consumer mindset and are looking for manufacturers transparent about their production processes.

Manufy Values are designed to help manufacturers showcase their sustainable practices. We currently have a total of 17 different values with various themes like ethical labor, organic cotton and renewable energy usage. A full list can be found *here* (clickable text to explore values section).

Discover how Manufy Values can help you attract more clients

Start applying

Apply for the Manufy Values that align with your production facility by submitting supporting evidence. Once we've received your evidence, our sustainability team will conduct a thorough review. In certain instances, we may request additional information to ensure accuracy and completeness.

Showcase your sustainable practices

After the validation of a Manufy Value by our sustainability team, it will be added to your public profile. This can help attract more customers who are looking for eco-friendly and socially responsible production partners. Manufacturers with more values are able to reach a wider audience by having a higher ranked profile on our website and marketing channels.

Improved matchmaking

Fashion brands on the platform include Manufy Values in their production requests. If your production facility aligns with the values the brand is seeking, your profile will be promoted as the best match, significantly increasing your chances of sealing the deal with a like-minded business partner.

Improve your environmental impact

Take the sustainability of your manufacturing process a step further .

Take social responsibility

By finding a manufacturer that values ethical working conditions, you can help prevent labor exploitation, promote fair wages, and support workers’ rights.

Reduce your footprint

Produce locally, recycle old fabrics and/or reduce waste to reduce the ecological footprint of your next collection.

Become future-proof

Make great but difficult choices and make sure your brand has a place in the future of our beautiful industry.

Explore the Manufy Values

Frequently asked questions

Eager to learn more? Jump into our help center for all the details you need!
What are the Manufy values?

The Manufy values are a set of ethical and sustainable production practices that we encourage all manufacturers on our platform to adopt. By adhering to these values, manufacturers can help promote their business and show how they are working towards a sustainable and ethical manufacturing industry. We believe that this is a crucial step towards bringing important information about the brands about sustainability and also rewarding manufacturers that are improving their businesses to be more visible. Brands will include Manufy values in their production request, if your factory has the same values as the brand is requesting then your profile will be promoted as best match! And thus you will have a higher chance to close a deal with them!

How do I apply for the Manufy values?

To apply for the Manufy values, simply click on "Your profile" in the left menu on our website and click on "Manufy Values". You will then see a list of all Manufy Values you can apply for. Click on the "Apply" button for the Manufy Value you want to apply for. You will then be asked to provide proof that you are adhering to the values, such as certificates or other documentation that show that your business meets the requirements. Once we have reviewed your application and verified your adherence to the values, we will promote your profile on our website. The more Manufy values that are added to your profile the higher you will be shown on our website and the more chance you have matching with new customers.

Why are Manufy values good for my profile?

By applying for the Manufy values and showing evidence about them, you will be able to promote your manufacturer profile as ethical, sustainable, which can help attract more customers who are looking for eco-friendly and socially responsible products. In addition, by being promoted on our website as a manufacturer that has a lot of Manufy values, you will be able to reach a wider audience and your profile will be ranked on the top of our website and marketing channels.

How do I know if I am eligible for a certain Manufy value?

We provide a detailed list of the Manufy values above, along with examples of best practices for each value. We encourage you to review these values and best practices, and to seek guidance from our team if you have any questions or concerns about how to apply for them.

What if I am not able to apply to all of the Manufy values?

We understand that not all manufacturers may be able to adhere to all of the Manufy values. However, we encourage all manufacturers to strive to adhere to as many of the values as possible, and to be transparent about any areas where they are not able to fully comply. By being open and honest about your production practices, you can still promote your business as ethical and sustainable, and potentially attract customers who appreciate your transparency and willingness to improve.

For Brands

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